Customer Reviews
love everything about it! I have worn wigs for over 45 years and this wig is the greatest and I have had. many people comment and want to know who my hair dresser is - I am so proud ,I tell them- Thank you.
Great When I went to work, and told everyone I got a new cut! They where saying you look 5 years younger; the style is great, the colour is great! What more could I ask for?? Especially that no one knows I wear a wig! Thanks Wigsway for a great job!
Love This Hair! Immediately, the compliments started coming in. I cannot go anywhere without hearing how good my hair looks. Many people stop me to ask who colours and cuts my hair. My husband loves it, and has started taking better care of his own face and hair, as he sees me looking at least 20 years younger. I might try another colour for fun, but really, this hair is me.
Lovely Hair I have purchased two of these wigs. The quality of the hair is wonderful and the adjustable velcro band fits my head perfectly. I have been wearing wigs for 16 years because of male patterned baldness. I finally found the perfect wig fit, hair quality, and coloring for me.
I would recommend this wig to anyone who likes to have a full head of hair look that is easily cut to make it perfect. I will probably buy a third one very soon.
I would recommend this wig to anyone who likes to have a full head of hair look that is easily cut to make it perfect. I will probably buy a third one very soon.
Great product! I wear another wig in a similar colour and longer length. People would ask me if I cut my hair. They did not know it was a wig until I told them. Same with the others. Great product!
You should try this one!! This wig is amazing !! Several people thought I had had a facelift and told me I looked alot younger. My hairdresser even loved it. The color is beautiful and natural looking and the cut is fabulous. Just ordered another one !! You gotta try this one !!