Customer Reviews
Beautiful Length, texture, quality ,colour all is perfect.I get so many compliments all the time. I have ordered my second one already. I took it to my hair dresser so my haircut would match my head, this way when I don't wear it. People cannot suspect I wear wigs.
Very comfortable cap i actually like this wig a lot regardless of price.Very comfortable cap. It's a very attractive style and I love the way it flips on the ends. A good fun wig for little cost!
Outstanding i finger-combed the wigs right out of the box. I was delightfully surprised at how much hair is in this wig. I have thick hair and this one just looks right to me. It is soft and can be worn behind the ear just like the photo. It can even be pulled to the back and pinned up. It looks great both ways. It is also much lighter than it looks!
Had wigs for fun! Its been a long time since I bought a wig (back in my 20's) well I turn 63 tomorrow and this was a present to me. Oh My Gosh it was a perfect style for me! O purchased the Sandy color and its wow! now I just ordered the red fire shade because its like my present (died) color. I love this wig its easy to ware and its definately MY STYLE! I do look 50! I'm Happy
It Changes Me Indeed Wow, I have received the wig this morning. I have to say it’s beautiful and so natural looking. My confidence has come back. I can’t believe how it changes me! Thank you very much!
Regain Confidence I receive my wig this morning and just want to say how satisfied I am with the colour and style. I suffer from alopecia on the crown and am very conscious of it. I feel my life will be colourful again with this new wig. I surely will place another order on your site!